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[阿联酋][吸血鬼Saint Dracula][限制级恐怖][720P/MP4/1.12G]

hmy1982 该用户已被删除
hmy1982 发表于 2017-8-5 00:32:35
* r9 S& N% F, j& ?3 O- d6 D% t: A- K  {
◎译  名 吸血鬼3D
' p2 l) f: |& @: `. k◎片  名 Saint Dracula 3 o2 f$ B+ g( {
◎国  家 阿拉伯联合酋长国
% {  d0 ?  A+ }' |◎类  别 爱情/惊悚/恐怖
" ?/ Z5 q- E* g◎语  言 英语
+ l- m0 n* ~. K& ]( k◎片  长 120分钟, e% Z$ x# ^$ x0 Z* R, [
◎导  演 Rupesh Paul2 t, x) Q$ C6 W) O/ D2 C* W
◎主  演 Mitch Powell
6 J+ g: p: X6 ^. o
$ ?" s2 ?" |$ O4 d" @' w◎简  介+ g1 U, y% O' p3 H  l

! e2 e0 Y" _/ C, p0 X  Longing for vengeance| he waited in hunger and thirst for his long lost admirer. The night hid him in the dark| the earth and the woods were his haven. He is a
! `! O1 X5 G# b5 i& N3 Zfallen angel| a catastrophic lover| the trodden Prince of Wallachia| but a vampire in revenge. His partisans await his reprise with celebration. He turns lucky in2 i* W0 c; {& d+ b0 {' o$ b: Q+ H8 F
love| if not for ever. Beautiful nights of love and lust entangle him with his lost love - Clara| a passionate young nun but still a mortal. The peaches and% b9 ~' O" \. I8 b* e! B! D
perfection takes a turn the day Clara gets spellbound by the Catholic Church. The Vatican plots the trap but will the plan thrive? Or will it be love?" L' M7 @$ F: S

, p+ m, m- ^$ y0 p
& o( M4 ^& X: N
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( B( o6 m0 F7 ]0 q% j+ h: i ( S+ L% b0 d8 j. X

( ?, {: m0 W# R9 r0 v% r
! s# ?) ~; I% G# d6 {; y
% H1 }/ K3 w: j8 B3 y# n优速盘整片下载
- g# z3 W* t& |5 Z" nhttp://www.yousuwp.com/file-22030.html
; _( D3 c% ?; G- J' y0 e% U1 v优速盘转百度云) t8 t; h# V) }! w* G
http://www.yousuwp.com/file-22201.html% G$ N5 K, v6 ~. v
密码33213 x- M# d' G$ `, k: H$ c. r  S
1 \8 y0 I( b# {* L& H7 ^" }1 D

. q1 ]5 [. z, {% ?" [/ t6 N$ i5 q& {( D3 R+ e$ e, T

0 u5 u- _: [' K9 c% Q' I" d. C3 M  g; T

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ilchjy1 该用户已被删除
ilchjy1 发表于 2017-8-5 13:22:23
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zqsanh 该用户已被删除
zqsanh 发表于 2017-8-5 19:00:37
美女 有感觉,下啦
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